Monthly Archives: July 2019

Less than two weeks to go

In less than two weeks we’ll have over four hundred players from around the world playing at The Hills! We’re excited! We’re in the home stretch, manicuring and mowing, posting signs and painting OB’s. The course is now in it’s final layout for Am Worlds. We’ve still got a little work to do on 12,13 and 16 where the new power pole construction transformed those three holes. 12 is looking excellent, tucked into the woods now. 13 has a brand new fairway and 16 has finally been moved back to it’s original position. We’ll be adding mulch around that basket so it’s not all gravel. Baskets that we’re not using for worlds (1B, 4A, 13B and 16B) have been removed.  Saturday July 12th The Coyotes will be out all day Saturday making a final push to get 12 and 13 done, then next week someone will likely be out working at the course every day until we kick this thing off. Just one more heads-up, the township will be mowing Monday July 22nd just before competition starts the following day. If you come out to practice, be patient and say hi to Joe and his helper – we couldn’t do it without them truly.

July is here!!

Holy Moly it’s July. This past week the Coyotes did some heavy course maintenance. Our Longest Day event went very well, big thanks to Nate Brosius and Jamie Lepley who stepped-up and helped an over-worked crew run the Concessions, Proshop and Tournament Central during the event – and the post event burgers Nate and Brandon cooked up were delicious! Now that we’ve had a day off, the work starts back up again tonight and continues every evening and weekend day until Am Worlds comes to town. We’ve got an updated layout for Am Worlds adding Hole 14 Blue tee (long). We’ve updated our website and YouTube Channel. Updates are in the works for the UDisc app and